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Justin Toumberlin

My success at Baker is due, in part, to the support I received from the Baker faculty. However, it began with the generous assistance of several scholarships: mass media, soccer, and the Goppert Foundation Scholarship.

Although Eudora, Kansas, my hometown, is about 20 miles away, Baker feels like my home away from home. There’s a feeling of community here, and it’s apparent in both the faculty and students.

The result is a warm environment that allows me to be comfortable to be me. That’s why I’m grateful for Baker.

I’ve developed a strong connection with my professors, and they have pushed me to succeed. Last year I served as the photo editor for the Baker Orange. And my public speaking and overall work habits have benefitted from these connections. These are tools I can use throughout my life, and I will always remember it was my professors who helped me gain these skills.

In particular, I owe a big thanks to Dr. Laura Young. She helped me with public speaking. I did not do well after my first speech in her class. But with her help, I earned nearly 100 percent on the second speech. This has helped me with the many presentations I have had to make in other classes and set me up for success in my career.

The Forever Orange campaign is tremendously important not only for me, but also for the future of the university and the future students that will attend Baker. It is being used to better the experience for everyone, and that is what makes a university exciting and attractive.

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